For those of yous who've been asking about where the Makiniwik Regional Airport is located, you can stop asking right now.
We are located about 40 miles east of Point Barrow(not far from the Arctic Ocean.) So that explains why people who visit here in summer often wear gloves. They aren't used to the chill that blows off the ice. Me on the other hand, rarely wear gloves on either hand. People say I have hands of caribou.
I am attaching a map of Alaska that shows Barrow(the most northern point of the U.S. of A.) but unfortunately doesn't show Makiniwik. We are 'bout a quarter inch east of Barrow. That's the problem with southern mapmakers. They think the big places are what's important. But I know it's the small places that really are significant for people. Who needs 747s when all everyone needs is a single prop two seater?
Oh ya, about the map...We have it on the wall in the control tower. I took it down for a couple hours so I could copy it for your information. Bobby our airtraffic controller was a hopping mad when I returned it. He said, "What if I had to radio a pilot to tell him where Juneau is located? That map is vital for air traffic safety, you know!"
So I tacked it back on the wall and said, "If you need that map, why don't you phone the U.S. Geological Survey and ask for another?
He said he just might.
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