Sorry I haven't been back online for a little while—been busy cleaning out the basement of the airport canteen. Seems like a lot of lost and found was lost, misplaced in a place nobody in their right mind would look for lost items.
I, of course, can't upload all the lost goods 'cause it would take me from now till retirement just to photograph the CRAP(Currently Rendered Airport Property.)
So what I'll do is post some of the gloves which have been CRAP for a long time.
Whoa, I was surprised to see some of the cartons dated back to the 1930s.
Here are some of the gloves that go back to that general timeframe.

Seems this glove goes back to 1935. That's just about the time there was much excitement up here. There was a guy by the name of Wiley Post who crashed not far from here. That's not too out of the ordinary, 'cept for his passenger who also died in the crash... Will Rogers.
This glove had a handwritten note saying, "Do not garbage." Okay, I guess it'll go into the "Save until sunlight" drawer. We don't get much light up here most the year.

This glove, marked 1962, looks a lot like the ones our airport maintenance man, Ralph, uses. I'll check with Ralph to see if he's lost a glove lately.

This glove, I'm kinda sorry about. It was dated October 12, 1981. That was round the time we had a polar bear break into the canteen. Oh we had a helluva time chasing him out. He kind of made the place his home for about a week before we discovered him. The box this glove was in must've contained something that smelled good to the bear cause he took a big bite out of the box. We apologize to the owner, if you are out there. Airport management says we will replace the glove at no cost to you.
I'll be sorting through the next dozen boxes in the next week or so. Till then, watch your gloves!
If you think a posted glove is yours, send an email to: makiniwik.airport@gmail.com
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